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OTC  |  SKU: OTC1821

OTC 1821 Air-Operated Automotive Oil Filter Crusher

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OTC 1821 Oil Filter Crusher, 10-Ton Capacity, Air-operated Automotive Oil Filter Crusher

Crushes up to four automotive filters (3 7/8" diameter x 9" high) at one time, in approximately 20 seconds, Engineered and built for dependable operation 100% air operation eliminates electrical connections, Generous size of crushing chamber easily accommodates the largest automotive spin-on filters Includes mounting stand, No wall mounting or time consuming installation required.

Covered by OTC Lifetime Marathon Warranty

Why Crush Your Used Oil Filters?

  • EPA standards for landfills and hazardous waste are becoming tougher and tougher...crushing filters and collecting the used oil helps your firm comply to avoid a fine and a negative image
  • Crushing eliminates the need for costly TCLP testing of wastes, which may otherwise be necessary for disposal in a landfill
  • Reducing the size of the filter helps reduce your trash removal costs
  • In some locations, crushed filters can be recycled as scrap metal
  • Wt. 245 lbs